Monday, 29 January 2018

Java Editions/Platforms

Java SE 
It stands for Java Standard Edition.
It is the core Java programming platform and used to develop simple java applications.
With this java edition, You can create console applications, applets and User interface applications (UI) .
It contains all of the libraries and APIs that any Java programmer should learn (java.lang,,, java.math, java.util etc).
Java EE 
It stands for Java Enterprise Edition.
It is used to develop applications for large corporations, distributed system, banks, insurance, companies, retailers etc.

It provides libraries for database access (JDBC), messaging (JMS), remote method invocation (RMI), XML processing, web services and defines standard APIs for Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets and Java Server Pages(JSP) etc.

Java ME:
It stands for java Micro Edition.
It is the platform for developing applications for mobile devices.

It is used to develop rich internet applications. 

Developers can design, create, debug and deploy rich client applications.


If you are a beginner in java then start with java SE.

Java EE is the most popular edition. Programmers who work with these editions are  great demand in worldwide.

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