Sunday 18 February 2018

installation of C

Installation of  C is very easy.To install C ,We can use various compilers for windows OS.Here are list of some compilers
Types of compilers for windows OS

·         CCS C Compiler
·         Turbo C
·         Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW)
·         Visual C++ : Express Edition
·         Clang C++
·         Digital Mars C++ Compiler
·         Intel C++
·         IBM C++
·         Oracle C++
Installation of TC
When you install the Turbo C compiler on your system, then TC directory is created on the hard disk and various sub directories such as INCLUDE, and LIB etc. are created under TC.

·         INCLUDE :Contain the header files of C.
·         LIB: Contain the library files of C.
·         BGI: Contain Graphics related files.
·         BIN: Contain .exe, .obj etc files.

 Turbo C For Window 7:  Download here

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