Friday, 2 February 2018

Static Keyword In Java

Static members are common for all the instances (objects) of the class.
  It is a keyword that are used for share the same variable or method of a given class.
There is no need to create object to access static variable or static methods because static variable and method is accessed by class name
Static class can access only static data members or member functions.
Non static class can access both static and non-static data members(variables) and member functions(methods or functions).
Use static keyword before declaring variable, class, method and block to make it static.
Static keyword is used for memory management.
Static method cannot call non-static method.
 static keyword can be used for following
·         variable (also known as class variable)
·         method (also known as class method)
·         block
·         nested class

 static variable

 A variable is called as static variable if static keyword is used before variable name.

 static variable is known as class variable.

 static variable can be used to refer the common property of all objects  e.g. Bank name of employees, college name of students etc.
The static variable gets memory only once in class area at the time of class loading.

It saves memory because static variable gets memory only once in class area at the time of class loading.

When and why we use static variable
Suppose we want to store record of all employee of any Bank, in this case employee id is unique for every employee but Bank name is common for all. When we create a static variable as a Bank name then it will allocate memory only once.
static datatype variablename;
Example: static int x;
public class Bank
int id;
String name;
static String Bank_Name="SBI";
class StatDemo
public static void main(String args[])
//Print 1st employee information
Bank b1=new Bank();;"Ajinkya";
System.out.println(Bank.Bank_Name);  //Bank_Name is static  so it is accessed by class name

//Print 2nd employee information
  Bank b2=new Bank();;"Hemant";
static method

A method is called as static if static keyword is used before method name.

static method is called as class method and it called by class name.

No need to create an object to call static method.

static method can access static data member and can change the value of it.


static void methodname ()


static void display()

Static method can access only static members and it is called by class name.


public class Bank{ 
   String name="DEV"; 
     static String Bank_Name = "SBI"; 
     static void display(){ 
        System.out.println("name is:"+name+"\n"+" Bank: "+Bank_Name);

     public static void main(String args[]){ 
    Bank.display();  //display method is called by class name because it static method

/ error: non-static variable name cannot be referenced from a static context
        System.out.println("name is:"+name+"\n"+" Bank: "+Bank_Name);
1 error


It displays error because name is non static data member .so static method (display) cannot access non static data member like name.


public class Bank{ 
   static   String name="DEV"; 
     static String Bank_Name = "SBI"; 
     static void display(){ 
      System.out.println("name is:"+name+"\n"+" Bank: "+Bank_Name);
   public static void main(String args[]){ 
    Bank.display();  //display method is called by class name because it static method


name is:DEV
 Bank: SBI

static block
It is used to initialize the static data member.
It is executed before main method at the time of class loading.
public class LearningPoint92{ 
  static{System.out.println("static block Example");} 
  public static void main(String args[]){ 
   System.out.println("Welcome to LP"); 
}  .

static block Example
Welcome to LP

Why java main method is static?
A method which is called by class name is called as static method. main method is called by JVM and it is called before any object creation so object is not required to call static saves memory.

Can we execute a program without main () method?
Yes, using static block we can execute a program without main () method.

public class LearningPoint92{ 
  System.out.println("It is called by without using main method"); 

It is called by without using main method.

We can execute a program without main () method in previous version of JDK , not in jdk7 and above.

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