Friday, 16 March 2018

How To Delete Duplicate Rows In SQL?

Step 1:
Create database LearningPoint92;
Step 2:
use LearningPoint92;
step 3:
create table Emp (id int not null,name varchar(20),address varchar(24) not null,salary int not null);
step 4:
select * from Emp;
step 5:
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(101,'suryosnata','pune',35000);
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(101,'suryosnata','pune',35000);
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(101,'suryosnata','pune',35000);
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(102,'dipak','nigdi',45000);
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(102,'dipak','nigdi',45000);
insert into Emp(id,name,address,salary)values(102,'dipak','nigdi',45000);
step 6:
WITH emp1 as
select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by id order by id) as rownumber from Emp
Step 7:
delete from emp1 where rownumber>1
step 8:
select * from Emp;

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