Sunday, 18 March 2018

Polymorphism in C++

Polymorphism means many forms (You can respond same message in different ways). In simple words, it is the ability of a message to be displayed in more than one form.
Real life example: A person at a same time can travel to any places in different ways by car, bus, train, flight and walking .
§  Compile time Polymorphism
§  Runtime Polymorphism
Compile time Polymorphism
The Polymorphism which occurs at compile time is called Compile time Polymorphism
Compile time polymorphism is called as static polymorphism or static binding or early binding
It provides fast execution because occurs at compile time.
Example: Function overloading (Same function name and different parameter) and Operator overloading

Example 1(same function name and different parameter with different order(no of arguments))

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
 void display(int a)
    cout << "value of a: " << a << endl;
 void display(int a, int b)
    cout << "sum of two no :"<<a+b<<endl;
void display(int a, int b,float c)
    cout << "sum of three no :"<<a+b+c;

void main()
value of a:23
sum of two no :50
sum of three no :73.67

Example 2: same function name and same parameters with different data types
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

 void display(int a)
    cout << "value of a: " << a << endl;

void display(double b)
    cout << "value of b: "<< b << endl;
void display(string str)
    cout << "value of str:"<<str;

void  main()

value of a:23
value of b:23.78
value of str: suryosnata

Runtime time Polymorphism
The Polymorphism which occurs at run time is called Run time Polymorphism
Run time polymorphism is called as dynamic polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch or dynamic binding or late binding.
It provides slow execution because occurs at run time.
Example: Method overriding (Same method name and same parameter).

Example : same method name and same parameters with same data types,return type and order(number of arguments)

class A
  void display(int a)
 cout << "value of a :"<<a<<endl;

class B:public A
       void display(int a)
cout << "square value of a :"<<a*a;

void main()
    A a1;
    B b1;
value of a:5
square value of a:25

1 comment:

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