Wednesday, 8 August 2018

AngularJS Services

AngularJS services are JavaScript functions for specific tasks, which can be reused throughout the application.
It is easily maintainable and testable.
Inbuilt or predefined services are always prefixed with $ symbol.AngularJS provides many inbuilt services for example, $https:, $route, $window, $location etc. Each service is responsible for a specific task for example, $https: is used to make ajax call to get the server data. $route is used to define the routing information and so on.
Most AngularJS services interact with the controller, model or custom directives. However, some services interact with view (UI) also for UI specific tasks.

Creating and Registering Angular Services

There are three ways to create an angular service. They are Factory, Service and Provider.
First, create a module named app using the following syntax:
var app = angular.module("app", []);

1)AngularJS services using Factory

The most common way to create a service is by using the Module’s Factory API. We use the factory method to create an object, add properties to it and return the same object.
         return factoryObj;

2)Create angular services using Service

This is instantiated with the new keyword. You will be provided with an instance of the function passed to the service..
We use this keyword to add properties and functions to this service object and it does not return anything.
app.service('serviceName',function(){ });

3)AngularJS services example using Provider

Providers are the only service you can pass into your .config() function. Providers are used when you want to provide module-wide configuration for your service object before making it available. It returns value by using $get() function.
 Syntax for creating a provider
app.provider('providerName',function(){ });

Syntax for configuring a provider

AngularJS Services Example

The following example demonstrates the usage of factory, service and provider services. The code shown below (demo.html) is our view. We need to get the serviceMsg, factoryMsg and providerMsg using the Service APIs and we use controller to write the data to this view.
    <title>AngularJS Services Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="lpdemo.js"></script>
    <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
        <p><b>ServiceDemo: </b>{{serviceMsg}}</p>
        <p><b>FactoryDemo </b>{{factoryMsg}}</p>

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
//define a service named myService
app.service('myService', function () {
    this.message = '';
    this.setMessage = function (newMessage)
        this.message = newMessage;
        return this.message;
//define factory named 'myFactory'
app.factory('myFactory', function () {
    var obj = {};
    obj.message = '';
    obj.setMessage = function (newMessage) {
        obj.message = newMessage;
    return obj;

//Defining a provider 'configurable'
app.provider('configurable', function () {
    var returnMessage = '';
    this.setMessage = function (newMessage) {
        returnMessage = newMessage;
    this.$get = function () {
        return {
            message: returnMessage

//configuring provider
app.config(function (configurableProvider) {
    configurableProvider.setMessage("Hi this is Provider Example");

//defining controller
app.controller('myController', function ($scope, myService, myFactory, configurable) {
    $scope.serviceMsg = myService.setMessage("Hi,this is Service Example");

    myFactory.setMessage("Hi,this is Factory Example ");
    $scope.factoryMsg = myFactory.message;
    $scope.providerMsg= configurable.message;


ServiceDemo: Hi,this is Service Example
FactoryDemo Hi,this is Factory Example
ProviderDemoHi this is Provider Example

AngularJS Services Example code description

1.    Created a module named myApp using angular.module(‘myApp’, []);
2.    Defined a service using service method in the module and you can see how we added properties and function to the service object for getting the message. We used this  keyword to add the properties to the service object.
3.    Defined a service using factory method in the module and returned the service object.
4.    Defined a service using provider method in the module and used $get() function to get the message.
5.    Configured the provider using the config() function in the module to set the message.
6.    Defined a controller and all the services are injected to the controller.
7.    Set the factory and service messages.
8.    Finally controller wire all the messages to the view using $scope.

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