Monday 5 March 2018

How to store decimal values in SQL Server?

where  n is the total number of  digits and
m is the max number of digits you can have after the decimal point.
salary decimal(7,2);
// Create Database
 Create Database LP;   

 //Select Database
  Use LP;          
//Create table DPK
Create table DPK (Employee_ID INT Not NULL,Employee_Name Varchar (20)NOT NULL, Salary decimal(7,2) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (Employee_ID));    
//Retrieve  Data from DPK
Select * from DPK;
//Insert Data into DPK
INSERT into DPK(Employee_ID, Employee_Name,Salary) values (101, 'Ram Kumar',89555.78 );
INSERT into DPK(Employee_ID, Employee_Name,Salary) values (102, 'suryosnata',55000.79);
 INSERT into DPK(Employee_ID, Employee_Name,Salary) values (103, 'Dipak',90000.58 );

//Retrieve  Data from DPK
Select * from DPK;

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