Monday 5 March 2018

Member Functions In C++

Member functions are the functions which have their declaration inside the class definition. The definition of member functions can be inside or outside the definition of class.
If the member function is defined inside the class definition it can be defined directly, but if it is defined outside the class, then we have to use the scope resolution :: operator along with class name along with function name
1)member functions can be inside the definition class
class  Employee
     int id;     //field or data member or instance variable     
    void display() // member functions
Complete Example:

class Employee
     int id;     //field or data member or instance variable     
    void display() // member functions definition
 cout<<"Id is"<<id<<endl;
   void main()
 Employee e1;;
        Id is:102

2)member functions can be outside the definition class
  Return_type  class_name::function_name(parameter)
Where ::  is called as scope resolution operator 
    class  Employee
     int id;     //field or data member or instance variable     
    void display(); //member function declaration

  void  Employee::display()  //member function definition
    cout<<"id is"<<id<<endl;

Complete Example:
class  Employee
     int id;     //field or data member or instance variable     
    void display();  //member function declaration

void  Employee::display() //member function definition
cout<<"Id is"<<id<<endl;
void main()
Employee e1;;
Id is :102

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